Tuesday, November 21, 2006

For those thinking of loved ones

I wrote this for a guy that was having an anniversery or something. sure did the trick i think cuz he found out a month after he got back from mid tour that his wife got pregnet (again) wonder if there's a kid somewhere named after me. Scary thought

My Jewel

There was a time when I was young
There was a time when I was free,
And there were many songs to be sung.

This world was cruel,
I had been crushed, and left for dead,
But then I found my jewel.

Some said it was awful, and obscene,
Some said it was wrong and dirty,
But i saw it for what it was; I saw its sheen.

This was not any ordinary thing,
This was a precious love beyond all reason,
And for the first time in a while I had to sing.

How could my jewel not make me happy?
All around might laugh at me,
Call me stupid and sappy.

But I do not care a lick
For my jewel is all I need,
It cured me when I was heartsick.

You ask what could be so precious in life?
Well I’ll tell you, you see,
It's the heart of my loving wife.

and by the way that is the ONLY time i will ever post in PINK!!!

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